Today I saw an amazing play named The World of Hundertwasser, created by Cia Va da Bordo and inspired in the work of Hundertwasser, an Austrian painter.
It is about a girl called Branca (White girl) who has never had contact with real colors and who just knows how to deal with technology.
One day she finds out about Hundertwasser and they start an imaginative interaction. The play is unvoiced, but words aren't necessary among the wonderful paintings projected on a huge blank screen, colors, special effects, jokes and the great use of technology.
The play is an invitation to consciousness on our interaction with the environment. It is made for children, but actually it manages to entertain adults as well. Indeed! Unmissable!
Play The World of Hundertwasser, by @cia.vadabordo e @helenacerello
At Sesc Bom Retiro @sescbomretiro
Last performance on September 8th, Sunday, at noon.
Free for kids under 12 years old.
Photography: Erika Pellini