Chegou o carnaval e você pode estar se perguntando: como descrever a principal festa do meu país para um estrangeiro?
Com certeza você sabe muito sobre ela na sua língua materna, mas e em inglês? Esse pequeno texto vai te ajudar com uma explicação básica sobre a festa.
So, this is carnival, the most expected Brazilian festival and maybe the longest one. It takes 4 days, usually in February, when people have a break for chilling out, either resting or celebrating.
The capitals of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador offer the major carnival festivals and parties in Brazil. The carnival of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are considered the largest in the world by the Guinness World Records.
In Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, the official festival takes place in the sambadrome, a huge and large lane where samba schools compete in a contest. We can watch it on TV. Most people usually have their favorite samba school and cheer for it.
There is also celebration on the streets. In Salvador, for example, there are the so-called trios elétricos, which are trucks with a stage on the top, where carnival bands play and mobilize the revellers throughout the streets. They are always on the go, so you’d better be prepared with your best shoes! Well, whatever is your carnival vibe, make the most of it and take care!
Ouça gratuitamente nosso podcast no Spotify para treinar sua pronúncia:
chilling out = espairecer
so-called = chamados
revellers = foliões
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Esse texto está disponível nas variações de inglês americano, britânico e australiano, conteúdo exclusivo para alunos We.
See you, bye!
Prof. Erika Pellini